Why Startups Should Begin With a Better CRM

Have you recently launched a company in the fashion and apparel, beauty, or health and wellness industry? If you’re nodding your head, you’ll want to ensure that your new company is adopting a CRM (customer relationship management) software at the early stages of your business.
A CRM system is an integral part of marketing, sales, and customer support designed to help you manage interactions with customers and keep you focused on your sales goals. Startups who manage sales properly at the beginning can help improve their chances of future success for growth.
How Fashion, Beauty, Heath, and Wellness Startups Have a Greater Shot at Success When Using the Best CRM
Organized Sales Process
An unorganized sales process will eventually catch up to you and dampen your team’s ability to do their job efficiently. Do not let your team get caught up in this preventable mess. By utilizing a CRM at the beginning, you can help your sales team stay productive when generating and managing sales leads, and focus on closing more deals.
Increase Opportunities for Cross selling & Up-selling
Two of the ways to increase sales is to either target new customers or sell to more to the existing ones. By using one platform, everyone will have ease of access to customer’s details and intelligent insights to help better understand the customers’ journey and preferences. Your team will be equipped to take care of customers and see opportunities for cross-selling and up-selling.
Easy Team Collaboration
A CRM software maintains all your customer list in one centralized location allowing everyone on your team to seamlessly access customer data in real time. Keeping the team on the same page helps improve internal communication and makes for a collaborative work environment. If your team is working remotely or on the road, they’ll still be able to access the same data as an employee in the office. There will not be a need to check in with the main office to find customer information. Also, should a team member fall ill or leave the company, you’ll rest easy knowing that others can pick up where they left off
Pay As You Grow
CRM used to be a costly solution that only big companies could afford but that’s not the case anymore. Today, most of CRM software are available thru the SAAS model making it cost-effective for startups to begin at a level playing field as their bigger budget competitors and scale according to their needs.
Save Time & Money
As a startup, you’re small enough to be able to do things manually but a startup that automates their operations early on will find themselves saving time and money that could be spent elsewhere growing the business. However, be careful to also not fall in the trap of accepting a “good-enough” system with the plan to switch later. Taking the time to find the right CRM designed for your industry and needs is essential. It’s not uncommon to hear CRM users tell stories of the many systems they’ve tried which were just not the right fit.
WhyChoose ShowroomHQ
ShowroomHQ is the CRM you can trust to help you acquire and maintain customers and clients in your highly competitive industry. View more about ShowroomHQ’s CRM software and feel free to contact us anytime to schedule a consultation.