Send to the right customers
Leverage your customer and order data to target customers based on geography, order history, potential to carry new brands, and much more.
Share news, trends, and insights
Showcase your expertise and keep your customers informed through custom-created email correspondence.
Create automated correspondence with a personal touch
Tap into the power of technology to engage your customer base without sounding like a robot by personalizing your messages with merge fields.
Explore ShowroomHQ’s full suite of industry-specific features.
Manage Customers
Digitize, organize, and centralize your customer lists, notes, calls and meetings, and client interactions so you get a full view of your relationship history–all in one place.
Brand and Product Tracking
Track, monitor, and assess your highest and lowest-performing brand partners so you can prioritize your efforts accordingly.
Commission Tracking
Keep precise tabs on your incoming commissions, track your outgoing expenses, and get accurate real-time data about your top-line and bottom-line revenue.
Reports and Analytics
Get complete visibility into your performance and growth with ShowroomHQ’s built-in suite of reports and analytics.
Order Creation and Management
Make it easy for your customers to place purchase orders through your online showroom and ensure every transaction is successful with built-in order tracking.
Email Marketing
Generate more sales and remain top-of-mind with your leads and customers using ShowroomHQ’s built-in email marketing platform.
ShowroomHQ insights
Sed augue ante risus vivamus nunc. Nunc posuere diam urna.